Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 28, 2008

It's my very special day today!  I turned one year old!  And what a special day it was...

Mommy made me my favorite breakfast - blueberry pancakes!

Yum!  They are sooooooooo good!

Yeah!  The balloons from the party yesterday still have air in them!


Balloons might just be the best toy ever (under supervision, of course)!

It won't be too long until I can take Daddy down in wrestling!

It sure was fun playing with the toys I got yesterday! 

Daddy, I'm not a basket ball!

After lunch Mom and Dad let me try cake again.  They wanted to see how I would react to it without a bunch of people around like last night.

I, of course, responded with delight!

Sugar high!

We went to the park after lunch.  I love the park!

Look at me!  Such a big boy going down the slide by myself!

Can we do it again?!?

Just try and stop me!  I'm no dummy; I know how this works!

Catch  me if you can!

What a great day to be born!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

September 27, 2008

Today is my birthday party!  Tomorrow I will be one year old! 

Here's the cake Mom made special for me.  She claims that the off-kilter leaning is a style choice but I'm not so sure.....  As the night went on, the cake leaned more and more but never tipped over!

These are the stacking cups that Mom based the cake on.

Here is my party table!  Thanks Grandma Bev for helping to make the hats!

Thanks for letting me wear the special birthday crown and bib Aunt Kirsten!

It sure was fun hanging out with both grandmas!

That's a nice hat Chef Daddy wore.  Isn't he such a good sport?

Emily's a good sport too!  It sure was neat that all of Mommy's college friends were there.  Thanks for coming!!

Mom, can we stop posing for photos and get to the cake eating?

I have the hat.  I have the noisemaker.  I have the birthday bib.  Now where is that cake?!?

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.....catchy tune, isn't it?

Hmmmmm......interesting texture - I wonder what it would feel like smashed in my palm....

Squishy and gooey!  Should I try eating it?

Okay, here it goes - my very first bite of something so sugary!

I'll let it rest on my palate for a moment....

Say!  That's not half bad!

I think I'll have another!

You mean there are presents too?  Friends, cake and presents?!?  This could be the best day ever!

Thanks to all the kids who helped me open the presents!  We would still be sitting here next week if I had to do it by myself!

Faithful Zowie by my side as I opened presents.  She stuck around even while I pulled on her hair and gave her love "pats."

Sweet!  Money!  Click on the photo and enlarge it to see just what I was doing to the money before Mom and Dad took it away for my piggy bank.

When we were done opening presents everyone clapped - I joined right in!  Thanks for all the neat gifts everyone!

Play time!  Just to prove what a big boy I am, I learned how to go down the slide today.  Thanks for playing with me Aunt Kirsten!

Everyone pile on Tynan!  Even Uncle Aaron!

Weeeeeee!!!!!  Higher Uncle Aaron!

Sophie and I discussed gravity around the campfire in my birthday present from Mom and Dad. 

Joe found a nice shelf spot under a table to wait out the birthday commotion!  He was hanging out with the puppy Skyelar gave me.  Thanks Skyelar!