Sunday, June 29, 2008

June 29, 2008

Last week I started crawling! I began by doing the "army crawl," pulling my legs with my arms. Today I am officially crawling on all fours!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

June 28, 2008

Mom, Dad and I drove to Missouri last night so Dad could pick up a used boat he bought. We had to go all the way to Missouri to find the type of boat dad wanted.

My first trip in the boat, and I turned to jello! I slept through all the waves, bump and even the strange alarm Mom and Dad can't figure out. Every time I've gone in the boat since then, I haven't fallen asleep, but I turn limp and totally relax. Guess I'm a chip off the old block!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 26, 2008

I love summer because I get to play in the kiddie pool!

It is so much fun that I can barely contain myself!

Please ignore Mom's shaky camera work. She was trying to video tape and keep me drowning or falling over the side! I'm a wiggly little guy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17, 2008

My first grilled cheese sandwich.
Cheese is good....
It just keeps coming!

June 16, 2008

Yesterday I took my first boat ride. Dad drove Mom and me around Big Birch Lake. I LOVED it! I got upset when Dad slowed down. I like going fast!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

June 13, 2008

Mom and Dad loaded up the whole family today and we headed to Big Birch Lake for the weekend.
Jasper, Joe and Max rode in their cages in the back.

And Zowie sat on Mom and Dad's lap.

Yeah! We finally made it. Mom, when can we go swimming?

It was too breezy for swimming, but I had fun playing with Grandma Bev, Grandpa Kenny and Sophie.

Honk Grandpa's nose!

Big hug!

We played so nice together!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 12, 2008

Yesterday I went to swim school for the first time. I HAD SO MUCH FUN!! I was by far the most excited kid in the class. I talked to and splashed everyone (especially Mom). I was so excited that I couldn't sit still. I kicked and waved my arms nonstop and it was all mom could do just to hang on to me! My dad used to swim competitively when he was in college. I think I'm going to take after him!

Mom, can we PLEASE go back in the pool?

But I don't want to go home yet.
We can come back next week?!? You promise?!?!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11, 2008

My many animated facial expressions...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 8, 2008

I went out for breakfast today at the Good Day Cafe in Golden Valley. I sure like going out and looking at all the people!
Thanks Dad, toast sounds good!
It's hard to get a bite when you don't have teeth!
I don't need to bite it, I'll just suck all the butter off. My first taste of butter - yum!
Better wash down the butter with some apple juice!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

June 7, 2008

Mom and Dad signed up for a Community Sustained Agriculture (CSA) program. Every week they get a box of vegetables from a local farm. It helps supports the local farmers, supports healthy land if you go through a farm that uses earth friendly farming practices (doesn't deplete the soil of all it's nutrients), it more economical than buying from a store, there is more variety so Mom and Dad are trying things they've never eaten before, and the produce is about as fresh as you can get. They get their food from Harmony Valley Farms ( Here is a web site from a couple who are also members of the CSA . They have recipes that look really yummy. If you are interested in a CSA program near you, check out .

Here are a couple of dishes Mom made with the veggie they got in the box this week.

Everything except the chicken and peaches are from the farm (including the edible flower)!

Mom wasn't sure what to do with the rhubarb that came this week because she didn't really want to have a strawberry rhubarb pie hanging around the house to tempt her. She made it into rhubarb bread instead. I had some and really liked it. It was my first taste of sweet bread. the bread was pretty easy for me to eat and not choke on because it was soft but crumbly. It didn't last very long in the house!

Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6, 2008

Thank you to everyone who has been checking in on the kitty cat. Max seems to be on the mend! Mom, Dad, the vets, and I weren't sure if he was going to make it or not. The vet said that she had never seen anything like it in the 20 years she's been a vet. She was worried it was one of those super staph infections that are resistant to every drug out there. They treated him with the most aggressive antibiotic treatment that they have ever had to use.

Mom and I brought him in the vet every single day for weeks where they flushed out the wound, tried to drain as much fluid as possible, and gave him multiple injections of antibiotics and fluids. Then when he came home, Mom (with Dad when he was home) force fed him every hour to two, gave him more antibiotic shots, cleaned out the wounds, and sometimes gave him more fluids. Somehow all of the hard work paid off because his fever broke a couple of days ago, the infected fluid in his tummy is going away, and the incision and four drainage holes are healing! According to the vet, he is not "out of the woods yet" because he still won't eat enough on his own to live. He is no longer sequestered in one room though and is moving freely about the house. Hopefully he'll start eating soon and everything will go back to normal!

The indent down the center of his tummy is where the incision was from his surgery. The red spots are where the fluid had to drain from. This looks way better than it was. The big one used to be larger than quarter size and went down to his muscle. The smaller ones were nickle and two dime size. They all seem to be healing nicely.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 5, 2008

Today my mom had to wake me up from my nap so we could take Max to the vet. This is how she found me. That's my stuffed animal puppy that I sleep with on top of my back! How did it end up there?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1, 2008

I have been able to roll for quite a while now, but this weekend I realized that if I roll multiple times in a row it will get me places! Watch out Mom and Dad, I'm mobile now!

I've got my tummy and rear end both off the ground here. I just have to master moving my arms and legs at the same time! Won't be long now til I can cruise around!